Every item in your wardrobe has a story.
Fashion trends recycle over the years.
Every so often, our parent's old college keep-sakes become relevant to us again, but many of our modern fashion staples have roots much deeper than dad's experimental years. Here is a breakdown of where some of your favourite clothing pieces and trends came from over the course of the last millennium.
1900's: Cuffed Pants
Originally, "trouser turnup's" were used to avoid mucky cobble stone roads in the 1900's. Now, cuffing the bottom of your jeans can add the right touch of detail to finish off your look.

Original Image Source: www.tdmag.com
1910's: Bowler Hats
They may not be a 'staple' for 2016, but there's defiantly the odd dude who will rock this classic. The bowler hat was first associated with men working in the financial district in the UK in the 1910's.

Original Image Source: www.theurbangent.com
Double Breasted Jackets
The double breasted jacket was inspired by WW1 military uniforms which carried over into mainstream dress. Today, having a double breasted suit jacket can help you look distinguished within the limits of your corporate dress code.
Fedora Hat
The fedora hat became popular after Prince Edward of Britain started wearing them in 1924.
(Double breasted Jacket) Original Image Source: blog.trashness.com
(Fedora Hat) Original Image Source: www.stevenonoja
Brogue Shoes
You know what 'brogue' shoes are. You just don't know that you know what they are...
See below, shoes with small holes in the top that you would normally associate with dressing up. In the 1930's, they were used for hunting so that water would not become trapped in the shoe if the hunter found himself ankle deep in a puddle.
Golfer Hats
When the motor vehicle became popular, structured hats would get crushed by passengers who accidentally sat on them. To avoid this problem, golfer hats were created to be more durable. Now, they add a touch of character to a vintage inspired outfit.
(Brogue Shoes) Original Image Source: www.theidleman.com
(Golfer Hat) Original Image Source: www.thefashiontag.com
1940's: Trench Coat
Trench coats found their inspiration in military dress. They were used in the 'trenches' to protect against bad weather, and were later adopted by regular citizens as a new fashion item.

Original Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/66357794484097741/
1950's: Blue Jeans/White T, Youth Culture
James Dean took the Hollywood fashion world by storm by choosing to dress down despite his prestige in the entertainment industry, shifting the focus of fashion marketing over to the youth. From then on, fashion ads would be targeted primarily to teens and young adults.

Original Image Source: Photo: Gilbert Carrasquillo / FilmMagic
1960's: Preppy Style
University 'prep school' dress is what inspired this fashion trend in the 1960's. Turtle necks could be worn as a substitute to a shirt and tie in the workplace allowing men to embrace a more relaxed lifestyle. Today, many men still embrace this sharp look both in casual and professional settings.

1970's: Florals
Florals were very popular in the 70's and have found their way into the spotlight once again. Printed on shirts and used as suit detailing, florals are the 'in' way to express your personality.

Original Image Source: www.toovia.com
1990's: Bucket Hats, Acid wash, Tommy Hilfiger
We are in a season of 90's revival so bucket hats, acid wash and nostalgic brands like Tommy Hilfiger are creeping their way back into your modern closet.
(Bucket Hat) Original Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/336714509616465704/
(Acid Wash) Original Image Source: WGSN street shot
(Tommy Hilfiger) Original Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
2000's: Track Suits
I miss the olddd Kanye. But I don't have to miss wearing head to toe adidas track gear because, they're back.

Original Image Source: CREDIT: REX
2010's : Fucboi Fashion
Here we are folks. Is it a look or a lifestyle? It's hard to analyse something when you're in the thick of it. So, I guess we'll leave it up to the next generation to be horrified of our 'Fucboi' fashion.

Original Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/320881542182161631/